Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security – PABSS

Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security – PABSS
The purpose of the PABSS program is to provide SSI and SSDI beneficiary’s information and advice about obtaining vocational rehabilitation and other employment services.
Purpose of the PABSS Program
The purpose of the PABSS program is to provide SSI and SSDI beneficiary’s information and advice about obtaining vocational rehabilitation and other employment services.
The PABSS program is also required to provide advocacy and other services that a beneficiary needs to secure or regain gainful employment.
PABSS Program Priorities
- Investigate and review any complaint of improper or inadequate services provided to a beneficiary with a disability by a service provider, employer or other entity involved in the beneficiary’s return to work effort.
- Provide information and referrals to Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities about work incentives and employment, including information on the types of services and assistance that may be available to assist them in securing or regaining gainful employment, particularly services and assistance available through Employment Networks (en) under the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency program.
- Provide information and technical assistance on work incentives to beneficiaries with disabilities.
- Provide consultation to and legal representation on behalf of beneficiaries with disabilities regarding return to work issues when such services become necessary to protect the rights of such beneficiaries.
- Assist beneficiaries with disabilities in disputes before SSA involving work-related program decisions.
- Provide information and technical assistance to governmental agencies, employment networks (en) and other service providers and advocacy organizations.
- Advocate identifying and correcting deficiencies in entities providing vocational rehabilitation service, employment services and other support services to beneficiaries with disabilities.
Who is Eligible to Participate in the PABSS Program?
To be PABSS eligible you must BE:
- An individual age 14 but has not reached their 65th birthday
- A current recipient of SSI, SSDI or concurrent eligible (Must be receiving cash payments).
- Previously received SSI/SSDI cash benefits due to a disability.
- Now receive MediCal and/or 1619B or Medicare including Medicare Part D.
- The issue must be EMPLOYMENT/WORK related.
SSA has reviewed the following publication for technical accuracy only; however, this should not be considered an official SSA document.
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This document is only current up to the day it was printed.
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Disclaimer: This publication is legal information only and is not legal advice about your individual situation. It is current as of the date posted. We try to update our materials regularly. However, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact DRC or another legal office.