Disclaimer: These materials are based on the law at the time we write them. We try to update our materials; however, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact us or another legal source.
You may need services and supports to reach your goals. This means you may be communicating with agencies and systems that offer services to people with disabilities. It can also mean attending meetings and advocating for yourself. Self-advocacy can begin at any age.
Your goal is to best prepare your child or family member for adulthood and to ensure they have the services and supports to reach their goals. For many families this means communicating with agencies and systems that offer services to people with disabilities.
“Communication supports” are devices or services that can help a person with a disability to communicate. For example, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Assistive Technology (AT) or “Special Adaptive Equipment,” are devices that can help a person to communicate.
This publication looks to answer questions you might have regarding assistive technology and how the Department of Rehabilitation can help provide those devises and/or services.
Disability Rights California provides CAP services statewide. CAP provides information, advice and advocacy to help people who have disabilities get employment services from DOR, such as training, education and a job. CAP helps protect the rights of people who receive or need services from DOR, Independent Living Centers, or other Rehabilitation Act Funded partners.
This pub tells you about DOR’s Business Enterprise Program (BEP). It helps people who are blind become independent food service experts. If DOR denies you BEP services, this pub tells you what to do about it and who can help you.
This pub tells you what to do if you are unhappy with a DOR decision. It tells you how to appeal a DOR decision and what happens when you appeal. It explains mediation and how it works.
This pub explains when DOR will reimburse you for out-of-pocket costs. It tells you what to do if DOR will not reimburse you for an out-of-pocket expense.
This pub tells you how to get services from Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). DOR has services to help you work. This pub tells you how DOR decides if you are eligible for services. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting services from DOR.
The Individualized Plan for Employment is a critical document in the vocational rehabilitation process you will go through with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). The IPE contains important information on your employment goal, and what services and supports the DOR has agreed provide to assist you in meeting that goal.
Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) must give you information and support services so you can make meaningful decisions about your job goals and services. This is called informed choice. This pub tells you about informed choice. It tells you when to use it. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting informed choice.
This pub explains that DOR will not pay for services you can get from others. It tells you what types of services you may get from others. It tells you the law that allows DOR to do this.
This pub tells you how to get or look at your records from the Department of Rehabilitation. It tells you how much your records cost and how to change your records. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting or looking at your records.
This pub tells you how to get self-employment services from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). It tells you how DOR decides you are eligibility for those services. It tells you how DOR can help you set up a small business and keep the business going. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting the services.
This pub tells you about supported employment. This pub explains what it is. These services include job coaches. It tells you how to get the services from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting the services.
This pub tells you about extended services. These are supported employment services you can get after Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) closes your case. This pub gives examples of the services. It tells you how to get and pay for them. It tells you how to get help if you have a problem getting the services.
This publication is about how different agencies should help young people with disabilities as they move into adult life. This process is called TRANSITION. These agencies are school districts and the Department of Rehabilitation. Some young people are also clients of a regional center. Regional centers also have to help with transition
This pub tells you when the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) can close your case. It tells you how you will know when DOR closes your case. It tells you how to get help if you do not want your case closed.
Competitive Integrated Employment, or CIE, means people with disabilities can earn the same pay as others without disabilities. It means those with disabilities can work where people without disabilities work. This pub tells you about CIE. It tells you what happens to your SSI when you work. It tells you how to get CIE, and who can help you get it.