Make a Difference - Support Disability Rights California
Support Disability Rights California
Disability Rights California (DRC) provides information, advice, referral, advocacy services, and legal representation to individuals with disability-related problems and questions. For more than 40 years, DRC has helped protect and advance the rights of people with disabilities in education, employment, independence, health, and safety.
DRC is able to advocate for and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities in part thanks to generous supporters like you. Every donation, in any amount, whether it’s a one-time gift, monthly or annual donation can make a difference in someone’s life.
All contributions are tax-deductible and we appreciate your gift! Make a Secure Online Donation
DRC also happily accepts donations made by check!
Make your check payable to Disability Rights California and mail to:
Disability Rights California
Attn: Accounting
1831 K Street
Sacramento, CA 94811
DRC Creates Access
Elanzo is a charismatic student with Down syndrome. He has a deep passion for music, but was being excluded from music class in school.
Elanzo’s mother realized he was being excluded when Elanzo arrived at the year-end music production, did not have a chair on stage, and had to sit on the floor. When his mother asked the director, she learned that Elanzo had been missing music instruction for the entire year because it conflicted with his special day class (SDC).
DRC helped Elanzo challenge this exclusion and reached an agreement with the District to provide Elanzo compensatory music lessons, worked with Elanzo’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) Team, and required changes to District policy so Elanzo and other students could participate in the full school day including extracurricular activities.
Your support helps protect equal access to safe, educational settings for students with disabilities. Support our work today!