Disclaimer: These materials are based on the law at the time we write them. We try to update our materials; however, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact us or another legal source.
Many people with disabilities are hurt or killed by police. Disability Rights California fights to end police contact with people with disabilities and expand services in the community that keep people safe.
You may need services and supports to reach your goals. This means you may be communicating with agencies and systems that offer services to people with disabilities. It can also mean attending meetings and advocating for yourself. Self-advocacy can begin at any age.
Your goal is to best prepare your child or family member for adulthood and to ensure they have the services and supports to reach their goals. For many families this means communicating with agencies and systems that offer services to people with disabilities.
This pub is about CONREP. That stands for “Forensic Conditional Release Program.” It is a community program for people charged with a felony and committed to a state hospital. The pub tells you how to get into the program. It tells you about your rights while in the program.