Disclaimer: These materials are based on the law at the time we write them. We try to update our materials; however, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact us or another legal source.
Both Medicaid (or “Medi-Cal”) and Medicare cover medical equipment and supplies, also known as durable medical equipment (DME). However, Medi-Cal and Medicare have different rules regarding coverage, payment, and appeal rights.
This publication tells you about Medi-Cal “continuity of care.” If you have to enroll in a Medi-Cal managed care plan, you may be able to see your regular Medi-Cal health care provider. This is what “continuity of care” means. The publication tells you what to do if you cannot get it.
Since 2011, California has been in the process of moving seniors and people with disabilities (SPDs) with Medi-Cal only and those eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal (dual eligible) into Medi-Cal managed care plans (Medi-Cal MCP) instead of traditional, regular, or fee-for-service Medi-Cal.
Medi-Cal provides dental services for adults and children. Comprehensive dental services are a mandatory benefit for Medi-Cal beneficiaries under age 21. For adults 21 and over, California has the option of providing Medi-Cal coverage for dental services.
Applied Behavioral Analysis is an evidence-based therapy. ABA therapy prevents or lessens the bad effects of behaviors that interfere with learning and social interaction.
This pub tells you what to do if your insurance will not pay for a service you need. Services are things like behavioral services. It can also be occupational therapy or physical therapy. It tells you how to get help.
This pub tells you when a school has to give your child needed medication. It tells you what medications a school can give to your child. It tells you who can give your child their medication. It gives you other information about giving your child medication at school.
Federal funding for the CCT program stopped. There may be funding in the future. If there is funding, California may start the program again. Check our website in the future to find out if this happened.
If the Medi-Cal program is paying or your nursing facility care and if you also have income – such as from Social Security benefits – you will have a Medi-Cal share of cost equal to all of your income above $35 a month. “Nursing facility” includes a subacute facility and...
Sometimes, you may need to complain about health care providers, programs, facilities, or services. This pub has lists of agencies in charge of dealing with your complaint. It has a list of advocacy groups that can help you. It tells you where to find out more about your right to complain.
This pub tells you about your rights when discharged from a hospital and you have Medi-Cal or Medicare. It tells you what to do if you are not ready to leave the hospital. It tells you about services you can get once home. It tells you what to do if you are homeless. It tells you how to complain about the hospital and where to get help.
This pub explains the rights people with disabilities have to get health care. They include equal access to medical facilities and services. The law says, people with disabilities must be treated the same as everyone else.
This fact sheet explains how to obtain transportation to your medical appointments from your Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP). The end of this publication discusses how to obtain transportation services if you have Fee-For-Service (FFS) Medi-Cal.
Medi-Cal is a health insurance program for people with limited income. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made some helpful changes to Medi-Cal to make more people eligible. The ACA also created health benefit marketplaces (exchanges) to help people get health care coverage if they do not have it already.
California has programs called “home and community-based services waivers.” They help people get Medi-Cal services at home. This pub tells you about one of the programs. It is the Home and Community-Based Alternatives (HCBA) Waiver. The pub tells you how to get one. It tells you who can help you get one.
This pub talks about how you can adjust your patient records. You can take someone with you when you go in to modify anything in the records. This pub also talks about certain things that cannot be changed in your patient records.
Multipurpose Senior Services Program gives you services and supports to stay at home as long as possible. The goal is to keep you from going to a nursing home. It is a Medi-Cal home and community based waiver. It gives you extra help so you can stay in your own home. This pub tells you about the program. It tells you how to get the services. It tells you about the services you can get. If Medi-Cal tells you that you cannot have the services, the pub tells you what to do.
This publication and the accompanying worksheets may be used to determine if an individual, couple or an individual in a family may qualify for the ABD FPL Medi-Cal program. The ABD FPL program is a no-share-of-cost, full-scope Medi-Cal Program for people who are over the age of 65, or who have a disability. The worksheets are in the following order:
This publication tells you about Medi-Cal with a share-of-cost. You may have a share-of-cost when your income is over a certain amount. It means you have to spend a certain amount of money each month before Medi-Cal will pay for services. This publication tells you what kinds of things count towards a share-of-cost.