Disclaimer: These materials are based on the law at the time we write them. We try to update our materials; however, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact us or another legal source.
This pub tells you about “suspension” and “expulsion.” It tells you the rules that apply to a student with disabilities. It tells you what to do if it happens to your child.
Use this checklist to learn about the steps you should take after your child with an IEP has been restrained or secluded in school. You can also use the sample letter to help you request a Behavior Emergency Report.
This document explains attendance and truancy including: notices you might have received, consequences families face, and how families can contest absences and collaborate with schools to improve absences.
Even if you are familiar with IEP meetings, Manifestation Determination Reviews can be new and confusing. Use this work sheet to help you prepare for a Manifestation Determination Review meeting.