Coronavirus - Regional Centers

Coronavirus - Regional Centers
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Regional Center Clients
*This page will be updated as more information is made available
Vendor Services: Will I continue to receive my services and how?
Many people receive services vendored by agencies like the Regional Center, the Department of Rehabilitation, Paratransit, their health care providers, and others.
Now is a good time to plan ahead. Contact your service provider and ask them if they have a plan for service provision. If the vendor does not have a plan, you can also call the vendoring agency to find out what the plan is.
If you are a Regional Center client and your vendor has told you that they will not provide services, please call the Regional Center or your local Clients’ Rights Advocate for more information. For support from DRC’s Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (OCRA) call: Northern California 1-800-390-7032 (TTY 877-669-6023) Southern California 1-866-833-6712 (TTY 877-669-6023)
IHSS, Personal Assistants, and other Caregivers: What is my plan?
Many people rely on caregivers throughout the week to stay in the community. This is a time when planning is critical. If you do not have an action plan, it is a good idea to develop one.
If you rely on IHSS caregivers, you should speak with your specific caregivers to discuss planning options. If you have questions for your county, please see this page for a list of the county offices:
If you have care services through another vendor agency, please reach out to that agency for more information.
This is also a good time to reach out to your health plan and find out what services are covered and how those services will be covered during a quarantine event or any other emergency.
Emergency Preparedness for Personal Assistant Services Users:
Other services: How will I access food, medicine, and other essentials?
Some people may be wondering how to access food, medications, and other essentials if they are quarantined.
Many meal delivery services, including Meals on Wheels, Insta Cart, and others are accepting EBT and have enacted “no contact” policies.
Local Areas on Aging have also issued guidance on providing emergency meals to their consumers here:
Many pharmacies are also offering delivery options. Check with your health care provider to determine if your plan will cover medication delivery at this time.
Here is another great resource for how to maximize and use your mobile device during an emergency:
Questions to Ask your Health Plan, Caregiver, IHSS Worker, or Vendor
Sample Questions to ask a Health Plan:
- Who do I call for assistance with an urgent illness that does not require a 911 call?
- What fees and costs are you waiving during this time?
- What equipment can I access through my health plan to keep me safe? (such as masks, etc.)
- What kinds of remote services are you offering right now? (for example, are health plans offering expanded phone options, video appointments, etc.?)
- What do I need to have my medications or other medical equipment delivered to my home?
- If I rely on a caregiver and that person is unavailable, can I access emergency equipment or in-home care as part of my health coverage?
Sample Questions to ask a Personal Assistant, Caregiver, or IHSS Worker:
- Will you continue to provide services during a quarantine event?
- Which services will you continue to provide during a quarantine event?
- If you cannot come, who should I call to make sure I can receive services and am still safe?
Sample Questions to ask a Vendor:
- Do you have a plan for how you will provide services during a quarantine event?
- Do you have a plan for how to keep your clients safe from illness?
- If you are unable to provide services during a quarantine event, what resources do you have to ensure that I continue to receive the support that I need?
COVID-19 Informational Videos provided by: The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities
- How to Stay Healthy Tips
- What Should I Do If I Think I’m Sick?
- What I Should Do If I Get Sick
- What To Do If a Caregiver or a Family Member Gets Sick