Webinar: What is Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination and What We Can do to Eliminate it

Webinar: What is Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination and What We Can do to Eliminate it

This training will explain the causes and effects of stigma and discrimination It will provide tools and strategies for helping you combat stigma and discrimination.
What is Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination and What We Can do to Eliminate it
People with mental health disabilities often experience stigma that leads to discrimination. This training will explain the causes and effects of stigma and discrimination It will provide tools and strategies for helping you combat stigma and discrimination.
*This training is presented from a peer perspective by people who have lived experience with mental health disabilities.
Live Caption and ASL Interpreter is Available.
About the webinar:
Navigating the world as a transitional age youth with mental health disabilities can be difficult due to the stigma and discrimination they may experience. We will identify ways that people in the community perpetuate stigma and discrimination around mental health. In this webinar, we will explain:
- The definitions of stigma and discrimination
- How our beliefs and actions lead to stigma and discrimination
- What tools are available to fight against stigma and discrimination
- What to do if you experience stigma and discrimination?
Zofia Trexler is a Peer Self Advocacy Trainer with the Peer Self Advocacy Unit of Disability Rights California. She has lived experience with a mental health disability and the mental health care system. She specializes in advocating for Transitional Age Youth populations.