Webinar: Tolerance!

Webinar: Tolerance!

In this webinar we will talk about how lack of tolerance affects us in our daily lives. People with mental health disabilities can often be targets for intimidation, stigma and discrimination. Discover strategies for building your tolerance and improving your mental health by focusing on abilities rather than disabilities.
Join us for a live webinar
In this webinar we will talk about how lack of tolerance affects us in our daily lives. People with mental health disabilities can often be targets for intimidation, stigma and discrimination. Discover strategies for building your tolerance and improving your mental health by focusing on abilities rather than disabilities.
*This training is presented from a peer perspective by people who have lived experience with mental disabilities.*
Live Caption and ASL Interpreter Available
About the webinar:
We will learn what tolerance is, how to identify when a person is being bullied and how to restore and diffuse the situation in a positive way.
Come join us as we discuss:
- What is Tolerance?
- How can a Lack of Tolerance Lead Us to be a Bully?
- Stigma and Discrimination without Tolerance
- How does having a Lack of Tolerance Affect Mental Health?
- Disability Etiquette - A Focus on People’s Abilities
- How to Talk about Difficult Situations?
- Finding Moments for Learning