Webinar: The History of the LPS Act: How It Started and Changes Ahead

Webinar: The History of the LPS Act: How It Started and Changes Ahead

Come join us to learn about the history of mental health treatment, reasons the state gave people with mental health disabilities patients’ rights and the future of our rights.
The History of the LPS Act - How It Started and Changes Ahead
Come join us to learn about the history of mental health treatment, reasons the state gave people with mental health disabilities patients’ rights and the future of our rights.
About the webinar:
In this webinar, we will:
- Provide an overview of the status of patients’ rights before the Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act
- Explain what motivated lawmakers to pass the LPS Act
- Explore changes in the LPS Act over the past 53 years
- Discuss current trends for the future of the LPS Act
Debi Davis is a person with lived experience and longtime mental health advocate. Ms. Davis volunteered as a mental health patients’ rights advocate for 10 years and founded a client self-advocacy group called We C.A.N. (Client Advocacy Now). For the last 12 years, Ms. Davis has worked in the Peer Self-Advocacy program at Disability Rights California facilitating self-advocacy groups in crisis residential facilities and in-patient psychiatric units.
Recording of Webinar
Webinar Materials
The History of the LPS Act: How It Started and Changes Ahead Webinar Presentation Outline (pdf)
The History of the LPS Act: How It Started and Changes Ahead Webinar Presentation Outline (rtf)