Webinar: Mental Health Awareness: History of The Peer Movement

Webinar: Mental Health Awareness: History of The Peer Movement

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we have invited the Pioneer of the Consumer/Survivor movement to share with us the history of peer advocacy and actions that have opened pathways for Peers to break barriers. The early struggles empower us to strengthen and reframe our future. Join us as we hear how advocacy at all levels has and continues to create change.
Mental Health Awareness: History of The Peer Movement
Tomando Conciencia en el Mes de la Salud Mental: Historias de Esperanza
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About the webinar:
Guest Speaker Sally Zinman will join us in this webinar to talk about the early beginnings of the Consumer/Survivor movement. The efforts, supporters and learned lessons empower us to continue speaking up for change. Our marching anthem, “Nothing about us, without us” continues to shape our peer community’s future. Sally will also talk about how you can get involved to continue uniting forces for our Peer movement.
Sally Zinman is a peer with lived experience who is a Pioneer of the Consumer/Survivor movement since its beginnings. She has led the fight to advocate for the rights of peers with mental health disabilities for over 55 years. She is currently the Executive Director of the California Mental Health Peer-Run Organizations (CAMHPRO) and has focused her recent efforts on advocating for the successful implementation of California’s Peer Support Specialist Certification process.