Webinar: Disability Work Incentives under Title II

Webinar: Disability Work Incentives under Title II

Many people who receive SSDI benefits fear they will lose their SSDI benefits if they return to work. This myth prevents many from seeking employment. Discover opportunities to continue your SSDI benefits as you work.
Disability Work Incentives under Title II
Many people who receive SSDI benefits fear they will lose their SSDI benefits if they return to work. This myth prevents many from seeking employment. Discover opportunities to continue your SSDI benefits as you work.
*This training is presented from a peer perspective by people who have lived experience with mental disabilities.*
Live Caption and ASL Interpreter Available
About the webinar:
This webinar will explain Title II Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) disability benefits and work incentives. We will debunk work myths and learn about work incentives, maintaining health insurance and SSDI reinstatement.
Together we will explore the following:
- What Happens To SSDI Benefits While Working?
- Will you continue to have Medicare Coverage?
- What Exclusions and Expenses are Allowed?
Debi Davis, MSW, (she/her/her’s) is a person with lived experience and a long-time mental health advocate. Volunteered for 10 years with Riverside County Patient Rights Office. For the past 14 years, Ms. Davis has worked in the Peer and Self-Advocacy unit of Disability Rights California, facilitating self-advocacy groups at a state hospital and facilities in the community.