Webinar: Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Help You Succeed on the Job

Webinar: Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Help You Succeed on the Job

Many people with mental health disabilities don’t know they have a right to request reasonable accommodations to help them accomplish and succeed on the job. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability-based discrimination in employment.
Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Help You Succeed on the Job
Many people with mental health disabilities don’t know they have a right to request reasonable accommodations to help them accomplish and succeed on the job. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability-based discrimination in employment. It requires employers to provide reasonable supports we might need to help us perform our work. Learn about the reasonable accommodation process, specific examples of accommodations and how they can benefit you.
*This training is presented from a peer perspective by people who have lived experience with mental health disabilities.
Live Caption and ASL Interpreter will be Available.
About the webinar:
This webinar will review the protections provided to people with disabilities in employment under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This includes our right to request reasonable accommodations related to our disability to help us effectively do our jobs. We will walk you through the reasonable accommodation request process and share examples of different accommodations that can help you succeed in the workplace.
Together we will explore:
- What is Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
- How to request a reasonable accommodation
- Examples of reasonable accommodations and how they can help you
Claire Haider (they/them/theirs) is a nonbinary person with lived experience with mental illness and experience navigating the mental health system. They have known American Sign Language for almost fifteen years and have experience working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.