Summary of Selected Provisions of Interest to People with Disabilities in the 2018-19 Budget Agreement as Outlined in the Legislative Budget Conference Committee Close Out Agenda
Summary of Selected Provisions of Interest to People with Disabilities in the 2018-19 Budget Agreement as Outlined in the Legislative Budget Conference Committee Close Out Agenda
On June 8, the Governor issued a press release that he and Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon have reached an agreement on the 2018-19 state budget. The Legislative Budget Conference Committee is reviewing the details later in the day. The Governor noted that this budget balances fiscal responsibility with social responsibility by significantly expanding the Rainy Day Fund and also making record levels of investment in education funding–both K-12 and higher education–child care access, and funding to fight homelessness and to protect children from living in deep poverty. Despite the legislature’s offers of significant additional spending on health care, human services programs, and housing and homelessness the Governor largely held to his insistence on increasing reserves and one-time funding.
The Conference Committee completed its work early Saturday morning taking the action that reflects many of the details in the announced budget agreement. The final budget and accompanying trailer bills are being prepared and will be taken up by the Legislature to meet the June 15 constitutional deadline. Subject to change, these are some of the relevant highlights of the Conference Committee actions...
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