A group of Latinx families represented by DRC and co-counsel Western Center on Law and Poverty filed a writ of mandate and complaint against the DDS director and Harbor Regional Center, challenging the discriminatory denial of needed services to individual with I/DD and their families.
Court of appeal affirmed favorable ALJ ruling on regional center eligibility, rejecting regional center’s claim of super-deference to its experts; DRC settled its claim for fees under the private attorney general statute because this action resulted in the enforcement of an important right affecting the public interest.
Challenge to denial of effective communication to Deaf people with intellectual and developmental disabilities served by regional centers; the parties have been in settlement negotiations for more than a year and have agreed on the substantive terms.
Writ challenged DDS’s earlier policy to categorically deny rental subsidies to individuals on the DDS Self-Determination Waiver. DDS agreed and provided new guidance but offered inadequate remedies. The court granted the demurrer with leave to amend to offer evidence of the need for additional corrective actions.