2019 Budget Conference Committee

2019 Budget Conference Committee
The Budget Conference Committee is expected to meet the week of May 27. After the differences between the proposed budget of each house has been resolved, the Legislature will vote on the final budget bill and the accompanying trailer bills to implement the budget. June 15 is the constitutional deadline for the budget bill to be passed. The budget must be signed by the Governor by June 30. DRC advocates on issues in the state budget that directly impact the lives and well-being of persons with disabilities. We submit our positions to the Budget Conference Committee for consideration on select issues pending in the 2019-20 state budget that are important to our clients and should be funded.
California Community Transitions (CCT) Program – Item 4260
Disability Rights California and East Bay Innovations cosponsored and support the Assembly Budget Committee action for the CCT Program:
Item: 4260 – $14.3 million GF in 2019-20 and $19.1 million GF ongoing, resulting in net GF savings, to continue the CCT program.
Item 4260 Letter (pdf)
Item 4260 Letter (rtf)
Department of Developmental Services - Regional Center Safety Net Supports for IDD Individuals with Severe Mental Illness. Item 4300.
Disability Rights California sponsored and SUPPORTS the Assembly Budget Committee action for the Regional Center safety net supports for IDD individuals with severe mental illnesses:
Item: 4300. Approve $5 M GF one-time for Regional Center Safety Net Supports for IDD with Severe Mental Illness, with placeholder TBL.
Item 4300 Letter (pdf)
Item 4300 Letter (rtf)
Item 4440 - Department of State Hospitals (DSH) – State Minimum Wage
Disability Rights California SUPPORTS the Senate Budget Committee action for the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) - State Minimum Wage TBL:
Item: 4440. Adopt placeholder trailer bill language consistent with the Administration’s proposal and including additional language to prohibit DSH from sweeping patient funds to support housing and treatment costs.