2018 Position Letters - Seniors

Bills Related to the Rights of Seniors

2018 Position Letters - Seniors

AB 1955 (Limon) - Support - Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Campaign

AB 1955’s Alzheimer’s disease public awareness campaign will aid in early diagnosis and treatment. The bill will also reduce stigma related to the disease.

pdf version 4-11-18 support letter
pdf version 4-27-18 support letter

AB 2132 (Levine) - Support - Building Fee Waiver for Seniors with Disabilities

This bill would authorize cities and counties to waive or reduce all building permit fees for improvements to the home of a person at least 60 years of age with a qualifying disability that are made to accommodate that disability.

pdf version 4-2-18 support letter
pdf version 6-5-18 support letter
pdf version 8-24-18 equest for signature

SB 1026 (Jackson) - Support - Dignity at Home and Fall Prevention

This bill proposes the Dignity at Home and Fall Prevention Act, a logical successor to existing law’s recognition of the growing desire for people to age in place. It provides grants to fund services and equipment.

pdf version 5-8-18 support letter
pdf version 6-12-18 support letter
pdf version 7-27-18 support letter