2018 Position Letters - Courts

Bills Relating to Judicial Activities

2018 Position Letters - Courts

AB 2376 (Stone) - Support - Civil Actions: Taxpayer Standing

This bill responds to the Supreme Court’s stated need and provides clarity to the taxpayer standing statute. Sometimes, litigation is against the government to prevent alleged wasteful and illegal spending of public funds. It is critical that any cloud on taxpayer standing be removed so litigants can assert their rights without side issues.

pdf version 4-2-18 support letter
pdf version 5-24-18 support letter

AB 2532 (Jones-Sawyer) - Support if Amended - Infractions: Community Service

This bill provides an option for people to perform community service, after showing the court that the fine poses a hardship on the person or their family. DRC requests the bill be amended to require all community service sites be accessible to people with disabilities so they can participate on an equal basis to nondisabled persons and, to the extent necessary, reasonable accommodations be made.

pdf version 3-2-18 support if amended letter

SB 10 (Hertzberg) - Support - Pretrial Release or Detention - Bail

This bill will end the presumption of detention for people who are too poor to post money bail. The bail system is unfair to people with low incomes and people of color. Bail and pretrial detention negatively and disproportionately affect people with mental health disabilities, contributing to the over-incarceration of this population.

pdf version 8-20-18 support letter
pdf version 8-23-18 request for signature

SB 66 (Wieckowski) - Support - Non Tax Deductible Punitive Damages

This bill, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018, would disallow, under both laws, a deduction for amounts paid for punitive damages.

pdf version 6-5-18 support letter

SB 1155 (Hueso) - Support - Court Reporters Small Claims Court

This bill clarifies that court interpreters will be appointed in small claims court cases just as they are in other civil proceedings.

pdf version 9-6-18 request for signature

SB 1233 (McGuire) – Support if Amended - Sentencing

This bill clarifies terms for a court to permit individuals to perform community service in lieu of paying fines and assessments and it specifically authorizes a court to permit participation in an educational program in lieu of community service. However, if a court requires a person with a disability to perform community service or an educational activity and the site has accessibility barriers: they are precluded from completing the community service or education.

pdf version 3-27-18 support if amended letter