May 25, 2020
Budget Coalition Letter
We ask for your continued leadership in coming up with solutions to protect all Californians from devastating and disproportionate budget cuts.
Budget Coalition Letter (pdf)
May 22, 2020
Advocates Opposition to May Revision Proposal to Cut Medi-Cal Access to Seniors
Western Center on Law & Poverty and the over 64 undersigned organizations urge the Legislature to oppose cuts proposed in the Governor’s May Revision that would reduce access to health care for California’s low-income seniors.
Opposition to May Revision Proposal Letter (pdf)
May 14, 2020
Letter - Building the California Dream Alliance
We must not repeat the mistakes of the Great Recession, where a pullback in public investment at the state and local levels accelerated the economy’s downward spiral, resulting in greater job loss, a longer and slower recovery, and long-term damage to those who had the least to begin with.
Letter to Nancy Pelosi (pdf)