Kendra McWright

Supervising Clients’ Rights Advocate, OCRA (Santa Barbara)

Kendra McWright

Impacted by friends and a family served by the regional center system, I first began working with individuals served by the regional center as a volunteer with OCRA. Prior to becoming the Clients' Rights Advocate at Tri-Counties Regional Center and Central Valley Regional Center, I was the interim Clients' Rights Advocate at several OCRA offices. I received my law degree from Santa Barbara College of Law and have family here so I am excited about the opportunity to return to the Tri-Counties area . During law school, I clerked in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Courts and interned in the Legal Resource Center staffed by Legal Aid of Santa Barbara County. I remain deeply committed to advocating for the rights of people with developmental disabilities and working to ensure access to public benefits, education and independence.