Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All

Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All

(Sacramento, CA) - Disability Rights California (DRC) is thrilled to announce that Governor Newsom has signed AB 545 (Pellerin) into law. This legislation brings improvements to voting accessibility, with a particular focus on curbside voting, taking an important step towards ensuring that all Californians have the opportunity to participate equally in our democracy.
Key provisions of AB 545 include mandatory curbside voting, readily available handheld magnifiers, and signature guides at all voting locations across the state. These measures are designed to remove barriers that voters with disabilities often face when exercising their right to vote.
"AB 545 is another step forward in making our elections more accessible and inclusive," says Andy Imparato, Executive Director of DRC. "Curbside voting and other accommodations provided by this bill will empower voters with disabilities to cast their ballots with ease and confidence."
This legislation builds on California’s commitment to accessible voting by instituting uniform standards at voting locations statewide and removing unnecessary barriers to voting. It reinforces California's commitment to upholding the principles of equal access and representation for all voters.
"We are grateful to Assemblymember Pellerin for championing this important legislation. AB 545 is a testament to Assemblymember Pellerin’s dedication to advancing the rights of Californians with disabilities beginning during her time as an elections official," states Eric Harris, DRC’s Director of Public Policy. "With the Governor's signature, we are one step closer to fully empowering voters with disabilities to participate equally in our democracy."
AB 545 will go into effect on January 1, 2024.
Media Contacts:
Melody Pomraning
Communications Director
Disability Rights California
Disability Rights California (DRC) – Is the agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. The mission of DRC is to defend, advance, and strengthen the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities.