Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2021-22 Budget

Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2021-22 Budget
Governor Newsom released his “May Revision” to the 2021-22 proposed budget on May 14, 2021 (link to full budget summary). The revised budget proposal is constructed around the projected revenue and deficits in the current year and the 2021-22 budget year. The May Revision stands in stark contrast to the budget of one year ago. Compared to a projected budget deficit of $54 billion last year, the state now has a projected $75.7 billion surplus. Combined with over $25 billion in federal relief, many funding opportunities are available for critical supports to people with disabilities.
California is beginning to turn the corner after experiencing one of its most challenging years in history with the COVID-19 pandemic. The year 2020 included the pandemic, unprecedented wildfires, social unrest and political uncertainty. Some of the highlights in the May Revision include funding for housing, emergency response preparedness, aging, education, health care, the Department of Developmental Services, and the Department of State Hospitals.
The May Revision commits $11.87 billion over the next two fiscal years to address the state’s homelessness crisis. Some of these funds will go to expanding Project Homekey, making housing more affordable, reducing family homelessness, housing grants, and targeted funding for homeless people with disabilities.
In 2020, Californians experienced two unprecedented emergencies. First, the COVID-19 pandemic harmed and killed more than 60,000, many of which were people with disabilities. Second, the state was once again devastated by wildfires from Southern California to the Northern border. The May Revision proposes approximately $100 million for the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). The budget includes $250 million for Cal OES to implement an equitable all hazards grant program focused on building resiliency in disadvantaged communities and aiding communities who often lack resources or expertise in drafting competitive grant applications to leverage federal and private funds. The state has prioritized marginalized communities that have traditionally been underserved.
COVID-19 disproportionately harmed older adults, older adults who are Black, Latino, Asian and Pacific Islander and Indigenous were especially harmed. The state prioritized the Master Plan for Aging, which calls for California to be a place for people of all ages to be able to thrive as people age.
The May Revision includes $121.7 billion for all K-12 programs, which is the highest amount in the state’s history. Per pupil funding is also at the highest ever at $13,977 in Prop 98 General Fund and $21,152 when accounting for all funding sources. We are pleased with the Governor’s announcement of providing universal transitional kindergarten, expanding the free school meal program, developing college savings accounts for foster youth and homeless youth, and prioritizing special education funding. Special education will benefit from $277.7 million one-time federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds.
Although many pupils 12 years of age or older should be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, it is difficult to say when parents will be comfortable with their children back in a classroom full time with other students, faculty and staff. To address this potential issue, local educational agencies (LEAs) will provide non-classroom based instruction using the existing traditional and course-based independent study models, but will have additional requirements to: (1) provide access to technology, internet connectivity, and a dedicated and rigorous curriculum; (2) develop and implement a framework of tiered re-engagement strategies for students not meaningfully participating in instruction; and (3) track and record daily student participation and interaction with teachers.
For the Department of Developmental Services, the May Revision includes $10.7 billion ($6.6 billion General Fund) and estimates that approximately 386,753 individuals will receive services by the end of 2021-22. This represents a historic level of investment in the systems serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Among the most notable proposals are: (1) $4 million for the establishment of a statewide workgroup to develop a system of providing performance incentives to regional centers based on meeting certain performance measures; (2) $12.8 million for improving the capacity of regional centers to support individuals in exercising choice and self-determination over their own services through increased staffing, training and supports; (3) over $10 million for promoting innovation in increasing employment for people with disabilities and strengthening internship programs; (4) over $17 million aimed at equity and improving access to the regional center system for the most underserved communities; and (5) over $23 million to provide provisional eligibility to three and four year olds.
The Department of State Hospitals population is expected to reach 7,089 by the end of 2021-22. The May Revision increases bed capacity for individuals deemed incompetent to stand trail by shifting Lanterman-Petris-Short conservatees to county facilities and provide additional funding to make this transition.
Starting this week, the Assembly and the Senate will begin hearings on the Governor’s proposed revised budget. Between now and June 15, the deadline when a balanced budget is due to the Governor, the Legislature and the Governor will craft the budget.
We look forward to engaging with the Governor and legislature as this proposed budget moves forward in the legislative process.
The following are some of the key items in the budget impacting persons with disabilities and the programs that assist them.
The 2021-22 May Revision includes new investments of $2.1 billion one-time and $1.7 billion ongoing (total funds) to support the growing population of older adults, persons with disabilities and family caregivers. The May Revision includes the following targeted investments to advance the Master Plan for Aging:
Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) “No Wrong Door” (CDA)
Local Assistance: $7.5 million General Fund in 2021-22 and $10 million General Fund (GF) ongoing; State Operations: $2 million General Fund ongoing.
$7.5 million in new investments in addition to the $17 million proposed in the Governor’s Budget for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to Alzheimer’s with an emphasis on communities of color and women, who are disproportionately susceptible to the disease.
Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) Certification Workload (CDA)
Proposed increase of 10.0 permanent positions ($1.9 million [$773,000 General Fund] in 2021-22 and $2.4 million [$946,000 General Fund] ongoing)
Family Caregiving Services (CDA)
$2.8 million one-time General Fund for the Family Caregiving program which provides supportive services to unpaid family caregivers of older adults and grandparents, or other older relatives, with primary caregiving responsibilities for a child.
Language Access Initiative (CHHS)
$20 million General Fund one-time in 2021-22.
Long Term Care Career Pathways (CDSS) ($200 million General Fund one-time in 2021-22)
$200 million General Fund one-time in 2021-22 to incentivize, support, and fund career pathways for In-Home Supportive Service providers, including certified home health aide, certified nursing assistant, licensed vocational nurse, and more.
Long-Term Care Office of Patient Representative (CDA)
$2.5 million in 2021-22, $4 million ongoing Licensing and Certification Program Fund to support local patient representative programs contracted by CDA.
Master Plan for Aging Implementation (CDA)
$3.3 million General Fund ongoing
Medicare Options Counseling / Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) Modernization (CDA)
$2 million HICAP Fund annually in 2021-22 and 2022-23 to modernize HICAP and address the growing older adult population.
Office of Medicare Innovation and Integration (DHCS)
($602,000 [$452,00 General Fund] ongoing) proposed investment for 4.0 permanent positions to provide DHCS leadership and expertise on innovative models for dual eligible.
Older Adult Recovery and Resiliency (CDA)
A one-time General Fund investment of $106 million, available over three years, to strengthen older adults’ recovery and resiliency from the severe isolation and health impacts from staying at home for over a year due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Senior Advisor on Aging, Disability, and Alzheimer’s (Governor’s Office)
Proposed also in the January Governor’s Budget, the Governor plans to appoint in the new budget year a Senior Advisor on Aging, Disability and Alzheimer’s to advance cross-Cabinet initiatives and partnerships between government, the private sector, and philanthropy.
Senior Nutrition: Home Delivered Meals and Community Center Meals (CDA)
Building on the Governor’s Budget, proposes to remove the Senior Nutrition program suspensions to provide local assistance funding of $17.5 million ongoing.
CalFresh Expansion Older Adults Outreach (CDA)
$2.0 million ([$1.1 million General Fund] ongoing) in continued funding for the CalFresh Expansion-Older Adults Outreach Program that assists eligible Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and State Supplementary Payment (SSP) recipients with applying for CalFresh food benefits.
Children’s Programs
The May Revision includes a second pandemic relief package of $579 million in one-time Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations fund to support the early learning and care workforce. The pandemic relief package includes:
A tiered licensed provider one-time stipend based on licensing capacity of between $3,500 to $6,500.
- A third round of per-child stipends for subsidized child care and preschool providers.
- Family fee waivers for eligible families beginning July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
- $25 million one-time CRRSA funds available through September 30, 2023, for the expansion of the California Child Care Initiative Project to target areas such as child care deserts and building capacity of new licensed family child care homes.
- $10.6 million one-time CRRSA funds available through September 30, 2023 for early childhood mental health consultation. This investment will expand the California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation project which offers support to child care programs and providers on such topics as children’s social emotional development, trauma-informed practices and health and safety for the wellbeing of children and families impacted by the pandemic and beyond.
- 16 non-operational days for providers accepting vouchers that have to close due to COVID-related reasons beginning July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
- Continued hold harmless funding for child care providers that contract directly with the state and provider reimbursement at a child’s maximum certified level of need for all providers accepting vouchers through June 30, 2022.
The May Revision also includes $1.1 billion General Fund in 2021-22 for services to children and families in California’s Child Welfare System. When federal and 1991 and 2011 Realignment funds are included, total funding for children’s programs is in excess of $9.3 billion in 2021-22.
- Foster Care Emergency Assistance—The May Revision includes $24.5 million General Fund and federal TANF block grant funds in 2021-22 to provide caregivers with up to four months of emergency assistance payments pending resource family approval and up to twelve months for cases that meet good cause criteria.
- Child Welfare Services-California Automated Response and Engagement System—The May Revision includes $39.4 million General Fund in 2021-22 to continue development of a new technology platform for Child Welfare Services.
- Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment Tool Workload—The May Revision includes $3.4 million General Fund ongoing for increased county social worker workload associated the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment tool.
- Continuum of Care Reform Reconciliation—The May Revision includes $7.1 million General Fund to reflect Continuum of Care Reform true-up related to county Child and Family Teams actual expenditures for fiscal year 2018-19.
- Stipend for Tribal Social Work Students—The May Revision includes $3 million General Fund in 2021-22 to provide a Master of Social Work Programs stipend for tribal
Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
The 2021 May Revision updates the Department’s budget to include $9.9 billion ($5.8 billion GF) and includes $10.7 billion ($6.6 billion GF) for FY 2021-22; a net increase of $841.6 million ($774.6 million GF) over the updated FY 2020-21 budget. In the current year, funds will be reallocated to support concerted efforts to increase outreach activities, eligibility assessments and determinations to reach the caseload levels estimated using pre-COVID-19 caseload trends. In the budget year, in addition to caseload and utilization updates, the proposed FY 2021-22 funding supports the following:
- COVID-19 Response ($257 million, ($152.2 million GF): Projected costs for ongoing response to COVID-19. Funding reflects projected impacts on regional center services as well as resources to support an average of 30 beds combined at Fairview and Porterville Developmental Centers as part of the State’s COVID-19 response for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Provider Supplemental Rates and Uniform Holiday Schedule ($527.6 million TF, $309.6 million GF): Elimination of the suspension provision for the provider supplemental rates and the Uniform Holiday Schedule.
- START Teams ($5.7 million TF, $4.0 million GF): The Governor’s Budget proposed four additional teams in FY 2021-22; the May Revision proposes funding to support five additional START teams for a total of nine new START teams established in the budget year.
- Emergency Preparedness ($4.3 million GF, $200,000 ongoing): Resources to expand emergency preparedness informational materials; provide training and education; provide consumers with emergency go-kits; and enhance availability of back-up batteries and generators for individual’s dependent on power for life sustaining equipment.
- Direct Service Professional Training and Certification ($4.3 million TF, $2.9 million GF): Promotes improved consumer access to trained and qualified staff.
- Bilingual Differential for Direct Service Professionals ($3.6 million TF, $2.2 million GF): Funding supports the establishment of a verification process for bilingual competency and provides a differential to increase the availability of staff who are bi/multi-lingual.
- Competitive Integrated Employment & Paid Internship Program: Proposed change in statute increases the number of incentive payments for longer-term employment, additional incentives to help with COVID-19 recovery, and funding to support paid internship development.
- Employment Grant ($14.7 million TF, $10.0 million GF): DDS funding to support the expanded cooperative efforts with Department of Rehabilitation to improve the employment rate of individuals with disabilities.
- Self-Determination Ongoing Implementation ($10.3 million TF, $6.8 million GF): Funding supports transition support services, improved orientation and training, and participant choice specialists to improve the process for individuals to transition from traditional services to the Self-Determination Program.
- Additional Resources for Individuals who are Deaf (DDS and regional center funding of $2.6 million TF, $1.8 million GF): Spring Finance Letter proposes funding for a headquarters position to provide statewide leadership and subject matter expertise on the provision of services and supports for individuals who are deaf and have intellectual or developmental disabilities. In addition, funding for 21 regional center deaf services specialists to support the expansion of deaf service resources, provide training and expertise to regional center staff, and coordinate with the Department on statewide efforts.
- Tribal Engagement for Early Start Services ($500,000 GF): Funding for targeted engagement efforts and increase access to services for the Native American population.
- Lanterman Act Provisional Eligibility Ages 3 and 4 ($23.8 million GF): Funding supports regional center operations as well as purchase of services to provide provisional eligibility for children aged 3 and 4 to reduce the likelihood of children experiencing delays in receiving services, which can lead to long-term impacts and a need for more intensive services and supports.
- Implicit Bias Training ($700,000 TF, $553,000 GF): Funding prioritized for regional center staff involved in eligibility determinations.
- Enhanced Service Coordination ($12.8 million TF, $10.0 million GF): Funding for service coordination activities to support consumers with low or no purchase of service expenditures.
- Performance Incentives ($3.7 million TF, $2.5 million GF): Funding supports initial and ongoing efforts to establish a performance improvement program with fiscal incentives for regional centers to meet specified benchmarks and improvement measures, with an initial focus on reducing caseload ratios. Funding increases to $87.5 million, $59.5 million GF in 2022-23.
Department of Public Health
- COVID-19 Response Costs—$1.08 billion for COVID-19 response costs. These funds will support testing and laboratory operations, vaccination, medical surge capacity, contact tracing management, and other state operations needs.
- Pandemic Response Review—$3 million for an assessment of the state’s public health and emergency response to the pandemic.
- Behavioral Health Outreach for Young People—$100 million over the next five years to support youth behavioral health education and outreach programs as a part of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative proposal.
Department of State Hospitals (DSH)
Incompetent to Stand Trial
- $28.3 million to provide competency restoration service for IST patients in community mental health treatment settings.
- Beginning in 2024-25 ongoing costs increase to $49.8 million.
- $17.1 million backfill for lost revenues as the state will no longer be able to take new Lanterman-Petris-Short patients. Beginning in 2023-24 the ongoing cost increases to $146 million.
- $13.3 million to contract with counties to provide competency restoration services for IST patients residing in county jail facilities.
- Beginning in 2022-23 ongoing costs increase to $22.5 million.
- $12.7 million to partner with local county jails to re-evaluate individuals deemed IST on a felony charge waiting in jail 60 days or more pending placement to a DSH treatment program.
- $250 million one-time funds to provide competitive grants for increased infrastructure targeted to justice-involved individuals with a serious mental illness who are deemed IST.
Diversity in State Employment
- The January Budget establishes the Chief Equity Officer at the Government Operations Agency with $290,000 ongoing.
- This position will oversee the implementation of equity recommendations from the California Leads as an employer initiative and work with the state’s Chief Data Officer to gather and report data about state workforce.
- The May Revision includes an additional $300,000 to fund two additional staff to support the Chief Equity Officer.
Early Childhood
Department of Early Childhood Development
- Effective July 1, 2021 child care and nutrition programs will shift from the California Department of Education (CDE) to the Department of Social Services (DSS). This transition will align all child care programs within a single department in state government.
- $25 million one-time Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) funds available through September 30, 2023, for the expansion of the California Child Care Initiative Project to target areas such as child care deserts and building capacity of new licensed family child care homes.
- $10.6 million one-time CRRSAA funds available through September 30, 2023 for early childhood mental health consultation. This investment will expand the California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation project which offers support to child care programs and providers on such topics as children’s social emotional development, trauma-informed practices and health and safety for the wellbeing of children and families impacted by the pandemic and beyond.
Universal Preschool
- $900 million in 2022-23 and $2.7 billion in 2024-25 to develop 250,000 new pre-k pupils and 100,000 new child care slots.
- Total education spending is $93.7 billion, with an expected $15.3 billion in additional federal funding.
- Increases per pupil spending to nearly $14,000.
- Allocates $20 billion to reimagining public schools
- $3 billion directed to facilitate community schools.
- $2.6 billion to accelerate learning and tutoring services.
- $1.1 billion to reducing class size and decrease staff to pupil ratios.
- $1 billion to summer school and before and after school programs for low income pupils.
- $150 million to implement a universal free school meal program.
- Teacher Preparation Investments
- $550 million toward teacher training and recruitment.
- $500 million to fund the Golden State Teacher Grant Program.
- $100 million to expand the teacher residency program.
- $125 million toward classified school employee credentialing.
- Provides a 5% COLA for teachers.
- Child College Savings Accounts
- $2 billion to seed $500 in to college savings accounts for disadvantaged youth, benefitting 3.7 million students.
- Low income pupils, homeless pupils, and pupils in foster care will receive $500.
- An additional $500 will be allocated for homeless and foster youth.
Special Education
- $277.7 million one-time federal IDEA funds to LEAs to increase general statewide special education resources.
- $117.7 million to increase the cost-of-living adjustment for state special education funding from 1.5 percent to 4.05 percent.
- $15 million one-time federal IDEA funds to support LEAs in developing individualized education programs and to develop tools to assess academic impacts of the Pandemic on students with disabilities.
- $1.6 million ongoing and $965,000 one-time funds and 6 positions for CDE to address special education complaints, perform court-ordered special education monitoring of local educational agencies, and to purchase special education monitoring software.
- $1.1 million one-time federal IDEA funds and 1 position to direct CDE, DSS, and LEAs to support the transition from IDEA Part C to Part B programs, and convene stakeholder workgroups to increase access to more inclusive settings.
Higher Education
University of California
- $957 million overall funding for the University of California
- $506 million ongoing, reflecting a 5% base increase and restores the cuts in prior budget.
- $451 million in one-time additional funds.
California State University (CSU)
- $1.4 billion overall funding for the CSU
- $596 million ongoing, reflecting a 5% base increase.
- $325 million for deferred maintenance projects.
- Establishes a new polytechnic university in Humboldt.
California Community Colleges (CCC)
- $3.6 billion overall CCC funding
- $326 million to fully retire deferrals.
- $185 million for staff COLAs.
- $150 million to fund the Guided Pathways Program.
- $115 million for the zero textbook cost program.
- $100 million toward staff recruitment and retention.
- $75 million toward dual enrollment.
- $50 million for ESL vocational training.
- $30m for student basic needs including food and housing.
Health and Human Services
The May Revision includes one-time $315 million ($31.5 million General Fund) investment for Medi-Cal population health management as part of the CalAIM initiative that would centralize administrative and clinical data from the Department, health plans, and providers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our economy and public health. The May Revision reflects significant fiscal impacts related to COVID-19, including $5.6 billion in total costs ($1.7 billion General Fund savings) in FY 2020-21 and $12.1 billion total funds costs ($598 million General Fund costs) in FY 2021-22.
Health Equity
The May Revision includes $20 million one-time General Fund investment for language access services across Health and Human Services programs in order to advance equity - including aging, disability, and family caregiver programs, which are serving an increasingly diverse population. This proposal builds on the Governor’s budget in January for CHHS to develop and implement an HHS wide policy framework to improve language access standards across programs and services.
The Governor’s May Revision includes $1 billion dollars ($859 million General Fund) to increase health care options for all, including expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal to all income-eligible seniors age 60+ regardless of immigration status (Health4AllElders), $4 billion behavioral health investment for children and youth under age 25, one-time investment of $200 million ($100 million General Fund) to build capacity for effective pre-release care for incarcerated populations and coordination of Medi-Cal coverage 30 days prior to release and a permanent end to suspension of Medi-Cal benefits and provider rate funded through Medi-Cal.
Other proposed investments include:
- One-time budget allocation of $9.3 million to expand current pilot that provides medically tailored meal intervention services to a broader population.
- Permanent end to suspension of Medi-Cal benefits and provider rate funded through Medi-Cal
- Includes increase Federal Funding from the American Rescue Plan Act for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
- Expands accelerated enrollment to adults, ages 19 through 64, to provide immediate and temporary benefits while income verifications are pending at a cost of $14.3 million ($7.2 million General Fund) in FY 2021-22.
- $5 million ($2 million General Fund) in FY 2020-21 and $18 million ($9 million General Fund) in FY 2021-22 to provide specialty mental health services to foster youth returning from out of state and other similarly situated youth.
- Proposal to end dental managed care and restore dental fee-for-service in Sacramento and Los Angeles to be implemented January 1, 2022 for a savings of $20 million ($8 million General Fund).
- $12.6 million ($4.4 million General Fund) to reimburse specialty pharmacies for services provided to beneficiaries with complex drug therapies in the fee-for-service delivery system, effective July 1, 2021.
- $73 million ($36.5 million General Fund) in each of 2021-22 and 2022-23 to resume annual Medi-Cal redeterminations upon conclusion of the federal public health emergency.
- $300 million one-time federal fund to help public health hospitals cover costs associated with critical care delivery needs provided during and beyond the pandemic.
- $20 million one-time General Fund for language access services across Health and Human Services programs.
Homelessness and Housing
Project Homekey
- Total proposed funding of $7 billion to further expand housing, including behavioral health continuum infrastructure and housing for low-income seniors.
- $2.75 billion one-time fund over two years for the additional acquisition and rehabilitation of facilities through the Homekey program.
- $1 billion for the CalWORKS housing support program.
- $560 million to address family homelessness.
Other homelessness funding
- $175 million to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program through 2023-24 to assist individuals with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness.
- $25 million one-time for the California Department of Veterans Affairs to administer a competitive grant program to support aging veterans and veterans with disabilities who have experienced chronic homelessness.
- $40 million one-time over 5 years, for the Homeless Coordinating Financing Council to provide grants that will address family homelessness.
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
The May Revision proposes to eliminate the IHSS 7 percent reduction in service hours and includes $11.1 million General Fund one-time investment in 2021-22 to support a permanent back-up provider system for severely impaired In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) recipients to avoid disruptions to caregiving due to emergencies.
Mental Health
Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63):
- The May Revision includes $30 million one-time Mental Health Services Fund for the Mental Health Student Services Act partnership grants.
Behavioral Health for Children
- The budget provides $4 billion over four years for children’s’ behavioral health screenings and mental health services to students.
- Includes $39.2 million to serve foster youth with complex needs and behavioral health conditions, within California, as well as youth that return from an out-of-state congregate placement.
- Increased funding for Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative from $400 million one-time to $1 billion.
- Includes $23.8 million ongoing to provide children aging out of Early Start provisional Lanterman service eligibility up to age five.
- $100 million over the next five years to support youth behavioral health education and outreach programs as a part of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative proposal.
- $12.4 million one-time for seven demonstration projects focused on treating and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
- $750 million one-time for competitive grants to construct, acquire, and rehabilitate real estate assets to expand the community continuum of behavioral health treatment resources.
- An undetermined amount of COVID-19 response funds will address the emotional and behavioral health impacts on children stemming from quarantine requirements.
Public Safety
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- Budget moves to close the Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy and the California Correctional Center in Susanville, saving the state $272 million annually.
- $23.2 million one-time and $18.4 million ongoing to increase reentry and education opportunities for incarcerated individuals.
- $89.3 million one-time and $36.8 million ongoing to address staff misconduct and discrimination.
- $37.7 million one-time and $35.9 million ongoing, and 264.1 positions to standardize staffing models across the five CDCR-operated Psychiatric Inpatient Programs.
- $3.7 million ongoing for the Statewide Telepsychiatry Program.
Domestic Violence
- $100 million one-time for Cal OES to supplement federal funding supporting a variety of services for domestic violence victims.
Juvenile Justice
- $2 million ongoing General Fund to establish a Youth Rehabilitative Offender Community at Valley State Prison to focus on providing enhanced rehabilitative services to youth.
- Proposes statutory changes to create opportunities for state and local partnerships to maintain firefighting operations at the Pine Grove Youth Conservation Camp in Amador County.
Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Program
- $2.7 billion for the SSI/SSP program. The average monthly caseload in this program is estimated to be 1.2 million recipients.
- Effective January 2021, the maximum SSI/SSP grant levels are $955 per month for individuals and $1,598 per month for couples.
- $131.5 million and ongoing to restore SSP, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, and California Veterans Cash Benefit recipient’s COLA for individuals back to 2011 payment levels.