Disability Rights California Urges Governor Newsom to Not Put Funds into CARE Court

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Disability Rights California Urges Governor Newsom to Not Put Funds into CARE Court

Today, Governor Newsom released the revised 2022-23 budget plan proposal including costs associated with the new Community Assistance, Recover and Empowerment (CARE) Court. 

Disability Rights California strongly opposes SB 1338 (Umberg) and urges Governor Newsom to not put significant funds into a court-ordered system for involuntary mental health treatment which has no real means to help people out of homelessness in the long run. In fact, it will do more harm because studies show forced treatment lessens the likelihood of people seeking voluntary treatment in the future.

A far wiser investment for California would be to look at evidence-based best practices and use these funds to commit long term to persistent community engagement, affordable housing, and a robust menu of well-staffed voluntary services. Services that actually empower people living with mental health disabilities on their paths to recovery and allow them to retain full autonomy over their lives without the intrusion of a court.

Although the May Revision speaks to short-term housing, without permanent supportive housing, people the Governor claims to help will only be worse off.

DRC & 48 other coalition partner’s full letter in opposition to CARE Court can be found here: Disability Rights California & Coalition's Letter in Opposition to CARE Court

Media Contacts

Melody Pomraning
Communications Director
Disability Rights California
(916) 504-5938


Disability Rights California (DRC) – Is the agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. The mission of DRC is to defend, advance, and strengthen the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. For more information visit: https://www.disabilityrightsca.org.