Disability Rights California Response to Yesterday’s Vice Presidential Debate

Addressing Mental Health Misconceptions in the Gun Violence Discussion
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Disability Rights California Response to Yesterday’s Vice Presidential Debate

In yesterday’s Vice Presidential Debate between Governor Tim Walz and Senator J.D. Vance, the dangerously false connection of mental illness and gun violence was brought up by Senator Vance. 

We must push back against the idea that gun violence in any space is due to anyone’s mental illness. False statements like this one add to the stigma that people have toward people with mental health disabilities.  

This myth has been debunked with data and disability organizations, including DRC have advocated against these types of statements. It is important to remember that disabled people, including those with mental health disabilities are disproportionately more likely to be the victims of gun violence. 


  • Mental health disabilities are not effective predictors of violence.
  • There is no correlation between deinstitutionalization and the number of mass shootings.

Debunking the Myths - Mental Health and Gun Violence


Disability Rights California (DRC) – Is the agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. The mission of drc is to defend, advance, and strengthen the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. For more information visit: https://www.disabilityrightsca.org.