Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus

Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus
Last week, The California Legislative Black Caucus released the 2024 Reparation Priority Bill Package. The 14 reparations bills are meant to be the initial phase of a multi-year effort to implement policy proposals that were outlined in the historic Reparations Task Force Report released last summer.
Assemblywomen Lori D. Wilson, Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus said, “As laid out in the report, we need a comprehensive approach to dismantling the legacy of slavery and systemic racism. This year’s legislative package tackles a wide range of issues; from criminal justice reforms to property rights to education, civil rights and food justice. The Caucus is looking to make strides in the second half of this legislative session as we build towards righting the wrongs of California’s past in future sessions.”
“Disability Rights California is excited to lift up the California Reparations Report and Legislative Package for 2024. It is important for California to recognize that issues negatively impacting Black people in California, often harm Black people with disabilities at disproportionate rates. Whether it is the criminal legal system, education, housing, health care, employment, and more, it is crucial that the disability community supports the California Legislative Black Caucus in getting the Reparations Legislative Package of bills passed and signed. Black people living at the intersection of disability of disability deserve to have a voice on issues that impact us,” said Eric Harris, Public Policy Director, Disability Rights California.
DRC’s sponsored bill AB 280 (Holden) is part of the bill package. Assemblymember Holden said, “The California Legislative Black Caucus’s reparation package addresses historic and ongoing injustices inflicted upon descendants of enslaved Africans, and criminal justice reform remains a priority. AB 280 provides a clear definition of what constitutes solitary confinement across all facilities, sets limits on how it can be used and provides examples of alternatives to solitary confinement when individuals need to be housed individually. Additionally, this bill ends the use of solitary confinement for designated populations including people who are under 25, are pregnant, 60 years of age or older or have serious disabilities.”
“As the leading disability rights protection and advocacy organization in California, we note that Black people with disabilities have been harmed at disproportionate rates and urge our partner organizations that advocate for disability justice to support this package,” said Sawait Hezchias-Seyoum, Senior Legislative Advocate, Disability Rights California.
You can learn more about the reparations legislative package here.
Disability Rights California (DRC) – Is the agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. The mission of drc is to defend, advance, and strengthen the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. For more information visit: https://www.disabilityrightsca.org.