Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about our Board of Directors

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about our Board of Directors
1. How many people serve on the Board of Directors?
13 - 17
2. Who appoints members of the Board?
The current Board of Directors appoints new members to the Board.
3. How long are the terms of each Board member’s appointment?
Each term is three years. Members may be re-appointed for a second term. Terms are staggered.
4. What are the eligibility requirements of Board positions?
In general, members of our Board of Directors reflect the diverse constituency served by DRC. We are mandated by federal acts to serve individuals with developmental, mental, physical, learning, and sensory disabilities. Persons with disabilities, family members, attorneys, professionals, and providers are all represented on the Board. DRC is also committed to appointing members that represent California’s diverse ethnic and cultural communities. Every effort is made to ensure the Board reflects different geographic areas of the state.
5. What are Board members’ responsibilities?
The Board provides overall direction for DRC. Review the Board of Directors job description. Generally, the Board does its work through standing Committees. Each Board member serves on at least one Committee. Board members are also responsible for fundraising, participation in some outreach events, and recruiting new members. Committees include Finance, Public Policy, Program and Planning, Governance, and Community Engagement,. In addition, the Board officers serve on the Executive Committee.
6. How many Board meetings are held each year, and where are they held?
There are four quarterly meetings held a year: generally, two in-person and two virtual meetings. The in-person meetings are held in different areas of the state to be more accessible to our constituents. We aim to hold meetings in Northern, Southern, and Central California.
7. How long are the meetings and what other time obligations are there?
Board meetings are usually about 3 hours. Committees of the Board typically meet quarterly, and Board members usually serve on at least one Committee of the Board. Committees include Finance, Public Policy, Program and Planning, Governance, and Community Engagement. In addition, the Board officers serve on the Executive Committee. Additionally, Committees may periodically meet (virtually) outside of the regular quarterly Board and Committee meetings.
8. What about travel expenses for Board members?
All Board travel expenses meeting DRC’s Board travel policy guidelines, related to Board meetings are paid for by DRC. DRC also provides reasonable disability-related accommodations for Board members. Members are not paid an honorarium for their services.
9. Are there any prohibitions regarding appointments?
No person shall serve as a Director who (1) as a result of their employment or other activities impedes DRC’s ability to be independent of any agency that provides treatment, services, or habilitation to individuals with disabilities as required by federal law or (2) is an employee or contractor of the DRC.
Directors have a duty to disclose any actual or possible conflict of interest, including any transaction in which the Director has a material financial interest or a loyalty conflict of interest. The Director shall disclose the conflict prior to the Board taking action on the matter and the Director shall abstain from deliberating on and voting in any action which causes the conflict. Directors shall also comply with the Agency’s conflict of interest policy.
If the Board has reasonable cause to believe a Director has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
10. How do I apply for a position on the Board?
Applications are accepted at any time, regardless if there is a position open. Notices of vacancies are posted on our website and social media. Please refer to "Join our Board" for instructions. In general, applications (or updates) are due three to four months prior to the position becoming vacant.
11. Where can I get more information?
Please contact us at or (916) 504-5800.