IHSS Hours are Reinstated Following OCRA Representation


IHSS Hours are Reinstated Following OCRA Representation

OCRA agreed to represent Hyunh at a state hearing after the county reduced his monthly IHSS hours from 195 to 29. The county’s written notice stated that because he is self-directing, according to school records that show that he can follow a set routine in his special education classroom, he is no longer eligible for protective supervision. In preparing the case for hearing, OCRA identified many different school and regional center records which showed Hyunh was actually not self-directing. With assistance from Hyunh’s parents, OCRA provided the county appeals specialist with letters supporting his need for protective supervision. In the letters, Hyunh’s doctors and his regional center service coordinator explained that Hyunh is not self-directing because he lacks the judgment to understand dangers in the home and requires supervision 24 hours per day. After receiving the additional evidence, the county appeals specialist notified OCRA that Hyunh’s IHSS hours would be reinstated and there would be no need for a hearing.