Dustin Receives Approval to Make Reasonable Modifications


Dustin Receives Approval to Make Reasonable Modifications

For several months, Dustin experienced resistance from his Section 8 voucher landlord in making reasonable modifications to his apartment so he could continue to live safely and independently. OCRA sent Dustin’s landlord a demand letter explaining his disability and new health issues. The letter clarified how Dustin’s health concerns require railings to be installed at his apartment’s front steps and grab bars added to the inside of his shower. The letter also explained that Dustin requires the removal of his glass shower door and the installation of a shower curtain rod for safety reasons. The law requires a landlord to permit the modifications, but does not require the landlord to pay for them. OCRA obtained funding for the installation work from Dustin’s regional center. In response to OCRA’s letter, Dustin’s landlord agreed to permit most of the reasonable modifications. OCRA is filing a formal complaint with HUD to order that the landlord permit the remaining needed reasonable modifications.