DRC Organized Community Meeting About Nevada County Voting Option Changes


DRC Organized Community Meeting About Nevada County Voting Option Changes

Nevada County is implementing the Voter’s Choice Act. The elections staff had already held the required consultation meeting with the disability community about the Election Administration Plan. That meeting went well but we thought the disability community needed another opportunity to meet prior to the larger public consultation meeting scheduled for the following week.

We co-sponsored the meeting with the local independent living center and over fifteen-community member attended the meeting. This was a significantly larger turnout than the first meeting.

The elections staff gave a preview of their upcoming presentation for the public consultation meeting. The elections staff released the proposed vote center locations for the first time. Attendees provided detailed feedback and suggestions. The elections staff appreciated the input. The elections staff brought up many of the ideas suggested at our meeting at the public consultation meeting. Additionally, this meeting was a great opportunity to find new potential members for the local Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee.