Stringfellow et al vs. Sacramento County et al.


Stringfellow et al vs. Sacramento County et al.

After case settlement, inmates in Sacramento County jail no longer routinely placed in restraints while receiving dialysis

In 2009, Disability Rights California filed a case on behalf of several inmates who were routinely placed in restraints while receiving dialysis at Sacramento County Jail. The Jail had a blanket policy requiring restraints during dialysis even if inmates did not present a threat to themselves or others.

In 2010 we reached a settlement with the County that the blanket policy would be eliminated. In December a new policy was implemented, requiring the individual assessment of inmates needing dialysis to determine if restraints would be used.

The settlement also permits DRC to monitor the Jail’s implementation of the new policy and in March, staff attorneys Sean Rashkis and Jay Koslofsky carried out the first visit. They reported that at any one time, four inmates are receiving dialysis and none have been subjected to restraints since last summer. So far, the new dialysis room and procedures seem to be working well for both inmates and jail staff.


Court Orders

Stipulated judgment for Stringfellow et al vs. Sacramento County et al.

Press releases

Press coverage