Disability Rights California Opposes the Trump Administration’s Harmful and Discriminatory New Public Charge Rules

Press Release

Disability Rights California Opposes the Trump Administration’s Harmful and Discriminatory New Public Charge Rules

Photo of a young child in a wheelchair with a doctor kneeling down looking at his leg.

Sacramento (August 13, 2019) Disability Rights California (DRC), the agency mandated by federal law to protect and advocate for Californians with disabilities opposes the “public charge” rule that the Trump Administration finalized yesterday, which threatens thousands of California residents’ access to healthcare and crucial benefits, and is particularly harmful and discriminatory against immigrants with disabilities. 

DRC is very concerned that the various provisions of the “public charge” rule will disproportionately impact people with disabilities – including people with chronic health conditions, intellectual and developmental disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and/or physical disabilities.  Specifically, this rule will significantly increase the government’s ability to consider discriminatory factors, related to an individual’s health, when determining whether a person is deemed as “public charge.”

DRC is also concerned that under the new rule, a person may be prevented from entering or re-entering the country, becoming a lawful permanent resident, or extending a visa on “public charge” grounds if they simply use certain government benefits for which they are eligible, such as programs related to the provision of healthcare, food, and housing. Many Californians with disabilities access these services as a means of securing the services and supports they need to successfully live in the community. DRC stands with the immigrant community, immigrant rights groups, other disability groups and civil rights groups in opposing this rule.


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About Disability Rights California (DRC)

Disability Rights California is the non-profit agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. Our mission is to protect and advance the rights, dignity, equal opportunities, and choices for all people with disabilities.

We will be posting updates regarding this, and other immigration policies affecting Californians with disabilities, on our website at: https://www.disabilityrightsca.org/

For more information on public charge issues, visit: https://www.nilc.org/.