Translation Disclaimer

Translation Disclaimer

Translation Disclaimer

Every page on this website has access to utilize Google™ Translate except our self-advocacy publications/resources section (This disclaimer does not apply to that section; refer to that page directly for the disclaimer). Google™ Translate is a third-party service that is not controlled by Disability Rights California. The web pages currently in English on this website are the official and accurate sources. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory is given with respect to any discrepancies or differences created in the translation. 

Information contained on Disability Rights California’s (DRC) website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Neither the information contained on the website, the use by a site visitor or interaction through this web site creates a contract or an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, you should contact DRC or another attorney.

We do not endorse, recommend, or favor any organizations, individuals, or programs referenced within the site or within the links to other websites. Once you follow a link away from Disability Rights California’s website, refer to that site's privacy policy/disclaimer statements.