2018 Federal Bills - Accessibility

Bills Related to Equal Access and Reasonable Accommodations

2018 Federal Bills - Accessibility

H.R.620 - ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017

The bill, which is expected to be voted on this week in the House of Representatives, weakens the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and makes it harder for people with disabilities to participate in the mainstream of society. It is important to note that the ADA does not require states to have inspectors to enforce the law or fine business owners. For example, while fire marshals protect us from fires, there are no disability inspectors to make sure businesses comply with the ADA. Whenever a business violates the law, people with disabilities are the only ones who can hold them accountable through a private lawsuit. Therefore, current law serves as a deterrent to noncompliance, preventing violations and helping to ensure access.

HR 620 Position Letter (pdf)